On Thursday, September 5, WTA’s Gateway will open the fall season with an opportunity to warm-up for the 2013-14 talent contest. Lorie Strother, AKA The Dreaded Blues Lady, will be the host of the evening which begins at 7:00 pm. “This is a night that gives all of our talent a chance to try out the Gateway and to prepare themselves for the competition that will begin in October,” said Lorie. “The Gateway is a great room to perform in and the warm-up is ideal for new talent to show their stuff before they enter the competition.”
Open Mic Night is open to the full range of performing arts: music, comedy, poetry, magic, etc. “We have lots of musical talent in the Valley and over the mountain, but we also have local performers who have skills in other genres. The Talent Night Competition is a place for them as well.” said Lorie.
Performers are asked to arrive as close to 7 pm as possible and to sign up for a performance slot. The lineup order is determined by a draw from The Bucket of Randomness. Each act will have 10 minutes on the Gateway stage.
Beginning in October the Open Mic Talent Night will have a prize of $50 sponsored by the Augusta Free Press. The winner is determined by the audience. “We are delighted to be involved,” said Chris Graham, publisher. “Each month’s turn out of talent is a demonstration of the creative riches of our area. It is a great way to expose that resource to the general public”
The Open Mic Talent Night is free although donations are gratefully accepted. The performance begins at 7 pm at WTA’s Gateway located at 329 West Main in downtown Waynesboro.
For more information contact [email protected] or call WTA at 540-943-9999.