Of all the casino games that transitioned to the Internet at the end of the 20th century, it can be argued that slot machines did so the most seamlessly. By the time online gambling took the industry by storm, the traditional slot had long since morphed into the video slot, and so the move to computerised slots made barely a difference. It’s been ages since slots were “one armed bandits” that were operated manually and that had three lines and reels with fruit and bars… and not much more. Today’s slots – both online and on land – are multi-line masterpieces, that are beautiful to behold (amazing graphics) and a joy to play.
Navigating a land-based casino, especially the really big ones, can be overwhelming; it’s not easy to find a favourite slot in the sea of noise, people, tables, and machines. Online, however, despite the vast number of slots that an infinite Internet casino can hold, navigation is a breeze. Online casino are built with the user’s needs in mind and, as such, they make it simple for customers to find what they’re looking for. Slots (and there are hundreds) are usually divided into easy-to-manage categories, like New, Popular, Jackpot, Multi-line, Classic, TV Shows, Superheroes, and so on, to help even the most confused newbie find exactly the right game.
Online Slots are Easy to Find on UK Sites
In the UK, online gambling is more popular than perhaps anywhere else, and the slots providers from England have given the world some outstanding sites. A website like William Hill Casino (a well-known and reputable name in the UK) has thousands of members and for good reason. A good site like theirs has a well-organised selection of slots that can keep a slot fan entertained for ages. Online casinos have the added advantage of offering bonuses and promotions that can mean free games for loyal players and new members. It’s also way easier asking for help in an online casino than it is in a land-based casino; help is accessible 24/7 through email, chat, and phone (whereas finding the Information desk at a massive land-based casino is like finding the proverbial needle in a very loud, dark, and gigantic haystack).
While slots are a big part of online gaming in the UK, the Brits can also take credit for bringing Bingo to the world. Yes, the game has been played for decades in the U.S. and in other countries, but not like in England, where Bingo halls dot the landscape. Online Bingo manages to be the social and friendly game that it is on land and that’s a big draw for Bingo fans. Slots and Bingo – who needs anything more?