Virginia Oath Keepers has scheduled its second meeting new Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta County chapter.
The meeting will be held at the Staunton Public Library, 1 Churchville Avenue, Staunton on Saturday, April 25, at 2pm.
All members of the public are welcome but a special invitation is extended to all current and retired military, police, national guard, reserve and first responders, both EMTs and fire and rescue.
The new chapter will provide preparatory training and planning exercises, designed to support the community in the event of an emergency, natural disaster or otherwise.
Training suggestions and other ideas are welcome. All expertise is needed.
Founded by Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of persons who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Stewart Rhodes is a Yale Law School graduate, teacher of military history at Yale, US Army paratrooper who suffered a disabling injury during a night time parachute jump. Oath Keepers Board of Directors includes an impressive collection of current and former Army, Navy and Marine members, police, and a retired Arizona sheriff.
For further information about the upcoming Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta County meeting, contact Mike Koeniger, Virginia Chapter Vice President, 757.869.1472or write [email protected].