In a world that is changing its diet opting for a healthier more natural diet plan. It may be hard to not notice all the different ways to enjoy ice cream. Rather you are looking for milk alternatives, Low calorie, low sugar or just an. There are many different types of ice cream. From texture to flavors to even kinds of ice cream. Let’s explore different options for your ice cream.
Oat milk ice cream: If you love ice cream but are lactose intolerant, Then you might want to try oak milk ice cream. Oat milk is all natural and does not contain lactose gluten nuts or additives that some might be allergic to.
Vegan Ice cream: If you are lactose intolerant then you know ice cream is not your friend. With vegan ice cream you can get all the advantages of real ice cream just made with soy milk. Now you don’t have to worry on missing out due to being lactose intolerant.
Sorbet: A commonly used alternative to ice cream sorbet is highly sought after because of its smooth and creamy texture and real fruit flavor. Sorbet has many different options such as strawberry, watermelon and orange. If you want something sweet and fruity then sorbet is your way to go.
Smoothies: The most natural to have a smoothie is a great alternative to ice cream There are many different smoothies to make. From natural fruit to veggies the possibilities are endless. All you need is some milk of your choice if you should choose and some fruits feel free to add in some protein powder for some added sweetness and flavoring.
Acai bowls: Acai bowls have become very popular in just recent years. A proper acai bowl should consist of some type of liquid or juice like apple juice, oat milk, hemp milk or any milk that you would prefer. Then you will blend it up till it is smooth and combined. You should also add some toppings to it such as blueberries, granola, berries, strawberries, bananas you can also add honey for some extra sweetness and flavoring.
Jello: Jello has been one of the less popular dessert items in recent years but if you are looking for something not as cold but still sweet jello will be your favorite option. You can also chose between sugar and sugar free.
Fresh fruit: Of course you can always chose to just go to the fresh fruit route. As fresh fruits are natural and still have a sweet side from the internal sugars that they hold. You can pair your fresh fruit with some cool whip and your off to tasty yet very healthy dessert.
Why is ice cream not as healthy for you?
Ice cream has always been a symbol for good. You eat ice cream at a birthday party, or for a feel good snack. But in recent years studies have shown that to much of ice cream is not good for you. With the average scoop of ice cream being 137 calories and seven grams of fat. Ice cream can cause some unwanted weight gain.
If you are looking to try an alternative to ice cream definitely check out these different options. And If you are set on some type of ice cream definitely try out the different types of ice creams made with different types of milks. But remember that with all the different options out there it is always best to try something completely different and new. You definitely will not regret trying to find something new and tasty