A major milestone will be marked, when Maury River Senior Center celebrates its 10th Anniversary, with daily Open Houses from 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. throughout the week of May 18 to May 22nd. The Center has been a vital resource for thousands of seniors who wanted a place to connect with people close to their age.
Local Council members representing Buena Vista, Lexington and the Rockbridge region, along with Center staff will conduct tours of the Center. Light refreshments of cake and drinks will be served. Senior Center members’ artwork that they painted in their Art 4 Health class sessions is to be displayed in the front windows. A brief history of the Center and a rolling slideshow of photographs are to be projected on a wall in the dining room.
Highlights of some of the programs scheduled during the weeklong observance are: Senior Center Director Jonni Lyle leads a discussion on “How I Met My Spouse” at noon on May 19th; “Folk and More,” a concert on Tuesday, May 19th, with Assistant Director Ray Blouin at 12:00 noon; Art 4 Health – Surprise, by Volunteer Carol Slagle on Friday May 22 at 9:30 a.m.; a concluding concert: “Patriotic Songs with Mrs. C’s Pickers, Singers, & Kickers,” at noon, on May 22.
Executive Director Jeri Schaff of Valley Program for Aging Services and Maury River Senior Center Assistant Director Ray Blouin opened the Center in 2005. “The anniversary is a perfect time to honor our city officials, community volunteers, members, and staff who have made the Senior Center what it is today. It gives us the opportunity to remember the thousands of members who have come through our doors to enjoy and lead innumerable programs and services, “said Jeri Schaff, executive director.
To learn more about Maury River Senior Center’s 10th Anniversary festivities, call 261-7474. MRSC is located at 2137 Magnolia Avenue in Buena Vista.