As part of Charlottesville’s Traffic Calming Program, the City is testing the effects of new roadway markings on Locust Avenue between the U.S. 250 Bypass and High Street.
The markings will clearly delineate travel and parking lanes. Pedestrians will benefit from shorter crossing distances and more visible crosswalks. This project will also provide additional space for people riding bikes in the southbound bike lane and add shared lane markings in the northbound travel lane.
This project is the result of a citizen engagement process initiated at the request of Locust Avenue residents. The process included multiple neighborhood meetings between City staff, members of the Martha Jefferson Neighborhood Association, and a traffic engineering consultant. It culminated in a neighborhood referendum to select a roadway marking concept in March 2016.
More information, including project diagrams and updates, can be found
Weather permitting, roadway marking will begin the week of July 25th and will be completed by the end of August 2016. No streets will be closed for this project.