Home Lieutenant Governor Northam applauds McAuliffe’s healthcare initiatives
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Lieutenant Governor Northam applauds McAuliffe’s healthcare initiatives


ralph northamIn response to today’s announcement by Governor McAuliffe that the Commonwealth will provide additional healthcare coverage and services to 200,000 Virginians, Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam released the following statement.

“I applaud the efforts of Governor McAuliffe and his administration to find every possible way to provide health care coverage and services to our children, veterans, pregnant moms, and individuals with mental health illnesses. Today’s announcement means that health care services will be more affordable for 200,000 Virginians. By investing in their health and well-being, we are making long term investments in the human capital we need to thrive and compete economically.

However, it is clear that these new initiatives are no substitute for a full expansion of Medicaid in the Commonwealth. There are still hundreds of thousands of working Virginians who will continue to go without the care they need. Under Medicaid Expansion, Virginia stands to gain upwards of 25,000 jobs; billions of federal dollars; and coverage for more than 400,000 currently uninsured, low-income, hardworking Virginians. The moral and business case for Medicaid expansion is clear. Healthy Virginia is a fantastic beginning, but it is imperative that legislators come together during the Special Session next week to find common ground for those Virginians whose health and lives depend on it.”



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