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Libertarian governor nominee wows to fight for same-sex marriage


robert sarvisRobert Sarvis, Libertarian nominee for governor of Virginia, vows to “honor the ‘Loving Legacy,’ and lead the fight to recognize same-sex marriage in Virginia.”

Same-sex marriage recognition is a key component of the Sarvis campaign’s vision for Virginia: Open-minded and Open for Business. Sarvis cites his own personal story, and the history of the Loving v. Virginia case, in which Virginians Mildred and Richard Loving fought for and won recognition of interracial marriage, as crucial to his decision to fight for this issue, this year, in Virginia.

“My marriage was once illegal in Virginia,” he said.

“It’s imperative that we build on the momentum of today’s Supreme Court decision. This year’s race for governor in Virginia will be America’s most-watched political contest, and I’m committed to making sure supporters of same-sex marriage have a confident voice in what will be the first major election after today’s DOMA decision.”

Sarvis contrasted his strong stance with his those of his opponents.

“Ken Cuccinelli talks a lot about ‘personal freedom,’ but he has no problem with using government to impede social changes and to meddle in the most personal of decisions: deciding whom to marry.

“And while Terry McAuliffe launched a fundraising email blast to same-sex marriage supporters right after the ruling, he admitted to a NoVa tech audience last week that ‘it’s not an issue that I’m going to spend my time focusing on.’”

View the spot here: http://youtu.be/dpdvq8-Xmbk

For more on Robert Savis: http://robertsarvis.com/about



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