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Is CBD oil safe for dogs?


dogsThe short answer is yes, CBD oil is safe for dogs. If you are using natural, organic CBD oil for your dog, then you can rest assured that it should be safe and well tolerated by them.

It is essential to use CBD oil that is specially formulated for dogs or pets. That said, if your dog accidentally ingests a CBD product that was made for humans, don’t have a panic attack – they will likely be just fine.

A high quality product that is produced for animals will come with proper care instructions and dosages for your pet. This will ensure that you are administering the right amount for whatever dosage is needed for your dog.

CBD oil that is designed specifically for pets will work in a similar way that it does for human beings. It is formulated to help your dog with symptoms like pain, nausea, inflammation, vomiting, seizures, and anxiety.

Traditionally, when a dog was diagnosed with those symptoms, they were prescribed synthetic pharmaceuticals. This was similar to the ones humans were given for comparable ailments, such as Benzodiazepines Valium, Xanax, Prozac, Ativan, etc. So historically, it wasn’t uncommon for these to be the go-to cure offered by your vet.

However, synthetic drugs can be problematic because they often come with an extensive list of side effects, including appetite increase or loss, drowsiness, vomiting, and increased anxiety. Now, keep in mind that CBD oil is relatively new to the mainstream pet care market. And, even though there have been no real findings of it having any major side effects, you’ll want to select your product carefully.

How to Find the Best CBD Oil for Your Dog

An ideal product is a full-spectrum-CBD oil that is 100% natural with no GMOs, dairy, or gluten. This is great if your dog has any food or environmental sensitivities. One of the great things about this product is that it also contains 0% THC. Legally, CBD oils formulated for pets can include up to 0.3% THC.

To break that down for you, here’s a little bit of information on what exactly CBD oil is and why you may want to consider a product for your pet that is 100% CBD (with no added THC):

CBD Oil is extracted from a marijuana plant, which contains 80 different cannabinoids, including THC (the psychoactive element that is traditionally associated with marijuana) and CBD (cannabidiol, the medical component of the plant).

When a product has any level of THC in it, then you risk the possibility of psychoactive side effects. Now, this isn’t a huge concern with the legal regulation set at a maximum level of 0.3% THC in pet-specific CBD oil. However, if you opt for a product where THC is present, then – depending on your dog’s sensitivity – there may be an added sense of “loopiness” when administered. Again, this isn’t something that is going to cause your dog any harm.

If your goal is to help ease pain or stress associated with your pet’s illness or disorder, then CBD Oil for dogs is your best bet. In fact, the only thing that has really come up for dogs taking CBD oil is that it may cause an increase in lethargy. Otherwise, there are virtually no side effects. HolistaPet also has 0% THC, so your dog won’t be getting high.

Also, there have been recent tests that have indicated that CBD oil is likely metabolized in the liver. However, even in dogs that did have existing liver problems, there have been no significant effects – just an increase in the liver enzyme alkaline phosphatase. There is no substantial evidence that this is linked to CBD oil, though; it is merely a correlation at this point.

If CBD is metabolized in the liver and your dog has any conditions associated with their liver, then there would be no immediate side effects. However, it could lead to the development of a longer-term health issue. Again, this is very new information and still needs additional research to back it. Medication is generally metabolized through the liver, so if your pup has a history of liver problems, it is best to consult with your vet.



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