Which kratom supplier should you trust? With the increasing popularity of kratom users, the supply has doubled in just a few years, and now many shady producers are springing like mushrooms online. In order not to fall for these vendors, you must choose the right kratom supplier. If you’re looking for the best and highest quality kratoms in the market, you have to do your own research. Here’s a great checklist to help you single out and find the best vendor:
Choose Suppliers with Diverse Strains of Kratom
How do you know you’re buying from a supplier with good quality kratom products? First, look at his products. Does he sell only one kind or a diverse strain of kratom leaves?
Kratom is not just one product. It also comes with different varieties and “strains’. Good vendors sell more than just one kind of kratom variety because they know that different people use it for different reasons. As such, they will have all the major strains: red, green, and white. They will also have several variations of kratom products such as extracts, capsules, and more. If you’re looking for a legit supplier, always choose those who can sell you all the varieties.
Look for Lab-Tested Kratom
Just like CBD oils, kratom also goes through a series of tests to ensure that the supplier is selling the right product. In testing, most Kratom sellers typically test for metals, pathogens, and alkaloid content. This is important to ensure that what they’re selling is not dangerous to the consumer. Contaminated kratom can bring diseases and infections that are not safe to humans.
Read Reviews About the Vendor
Another good way to decide whether a vendor is to be trusted or not is to read reviews from various sources online. Reviews are important word-of-mouth testimonials that help you know the quality of their products. Responses from the vendor can also help you understand how the brand treats its consumers. However, you also must be careful, since some reviews are fake, especially ones that are on the website of the product.
Beware of Garage Vendors
These are kratom sellers that lack quality control and often sell you inferior products. They usually operate on their homes, apartments, or garages and have untested products that are improperly handled. Most of their products are cheap and can be sold in fewer quantities. These products are often at risk for contamination and are strictly prohibited for consumption. Furthermore, they sell you kratom from countries that don’t grow the best qualities.
Good kratom vendors source their products directly from Southeast Asian countries where the product is originally cultivated. Countries such as Indonesia have kratom plants that are grown expertly in the right climate and location.
Check Qualifications
And lastly, check the vendor’s qualifications. Before you decide on which supplier to buy kratom wholesale, make sure that they’re legit first. You don’t want to business with a fraudulent or negligent vendor, so it’s always wise to check twice or thrice. The easiest way to check a vendor’s qualifications is first by looking them up online.
- Do they have a website?
- Are they part of the GMP compliance program?
- Do they test their products for safety?
- Do they offer customers support when purchasing online?
Good kratom vendors have a good online presence and have an established website of their own. If they do have a website, check it to see if they’re selling legit products. What do the customers say about their products? By checking the vendor’s qualifications, you’ll find out if they are legitimate or not.