Attorney General Mark Herring has won the Democratic Party attorney general primary, defeating Norfolk Del. Jay Jones by an 11-point margin in a more competitive than had been expected race.
“This primary was a referendum on the progress we have made on civil rights, criminal justice reform, healthcare access, clean air and water, victims’ rights, gun violence prevention, and consumer protection, and voters made it clear that they want to keep the progress going,” Herring said. “The Republicans have nominated yet another far-right, Ken Cuccinelli-wannabe who would abuse the office to try to drag us backward and threaten the progress we’ve made. Virginians deserve to count on their attorney general to fight for them, as the People’s Lawyer. That’s what I’ve done for eight years, and that’s the choice that Virginians will have this fall.”
Herring has served two terms as attorney general, having been elected first in 2013, running on the same ticket as Terry McAuliffe, who was nominated to run for a second term tonight, and then winning re-election in 2017.
Jones had the backing of, among others, Gov. Ralph Northam, in his bid to unseat Herring, who ran alongside Herring in that 2017 race.
“I also extend my best wishes and congratulations to Del. Jay Jones, his family, and his team for running a strong race that helped energize Virginia Democrats. I look forward to moving into November as a strong, united party as we continue to move Virginia forward,” Herring said.
Story by Chris Graham