Taking center stage as a performing artist takes dedication and hard work. Jennifer Michele is only 15, and has already achieved what takes most people decades to do.
What do we know about Jennifer Michele?
Born on February 5, 2006, Jennifer Michele has spent most of her life in the Glendale area of Los Angeles. Her talent in the performing arts became evident from a young age, and she has been working since the age of four.
Jennifer Michele dances, sings, acts, and is also talented in the visual arts. Jennifer’s career started with modeling and TV commercials but has also been in theatre performances. She is also a talented director and does storyboarding.
Career moves so far
Jennifer Michele has already taken center stage in her acting career with appearances in several TV shows and movies. She was recently cast in her first leading role as Ella, in the soon to be released TV Series, Ella and Joey.
Jennifer made her first movie appearance in 2016 in the film The Dream Beyond Us. Since then, she has worked intensely, mostly on TV shows, and can be seen in Just My Luck, 9-1-1, Manny’s Garage Sale, Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe, and Matty Paz is Noob. Jennifer is also the voice of Young Kassandra in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, a popular video game.
Jennifer Michele takes center stage elsewhere too
How can someone with so many talents not take center stage so soon? Jennifer Michele is always very busy and is very dedicated to her acting career. This does not stop her from making use of her talents in the visual arts on her various social media channels, where she is a popular influencer.
Jennifer’s work is causing a sensation on TikTok, where she already has over 215,000 followers. She has 42,000 followers on Instagram, where she also promotes the causes she feels most strongly about. Her fans can also find her on Famous Birthdays and IMDB.
Taking time to pursue personal interests
Jennifer Michele is dynamic and dedicated to the performing visual arts, but makes time to cultivate her personal interests too. Her career demands make attending school out of the question and Jennifer schools online. Jennifer makes time to listen to music, currently, her favorite is Ruth B, but likes all genres. Jennifer also finds time to journal and listen to motivational speakers, her favorites are Tony Robbins and Les Brown.
Ending human slavery and hunger are two causes Jennifer is passionate about and dedicates her free time to raising awareness among her followers. When it is safe again, she plans to continue her work with Food Forward in the fight against food waste and hunger.
Jennifer’s other interests include the outdoors, travel, and her family. Jennifer Michele loves and admires her parents, and they have offered her invaluable support. Between the two of them, they ensure she never feels discouraged or loses confidence. Her favorite outdoor activities include horseback riding, hiking, swimming, archery, and fencing.
Jennifer loves traveling and hopes to soon travel a bit further away than Europe, where she has traveled a lot because of her family ties to the Netherlands. Countries she would love to visit include South Africa and the Maldives.
Future moves from Jennifer Michele
Taking center stage from such a young age means we can expect many more exciting things from Jennifer Michele.
In the immediate future, we are awaiting the imminent release of Ella and Joey where Jennifer has the lead role playing Ella. The original Ace Entertainment and Lionsgate series was shot in Yukon, and the young star had lots of fun filming it.
Jennifer Michele dreams to also direct movies and hopes to work with some of her favorite directors in the future, or to at least reach their level of perfection. Some of the directors she admires are James Cameron, Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, and Pierre Michel-Estival, her mentor.
In her acting career, she doesn’t mind playing roles in films or TV series and does not shy away from imperfect characters. Jennifer Michele feels enduring and brave roles inspire audiences the most.
Story by Virginia Sagal