Home First Lady, broadcasters launch Feeding Virginia
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First Lady, broadcasters launch Feeding Virginia


empty-plate-headerThis week, First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe and the Virginia Association of Broadcasters launched Feeding Virginia, a year-long campaign against hunger. This is a first-of-its-kind partnership between a state’s First Family and all members of a state broadcast association.

Feeding Virginia is a year-long hunger awareness campaign benefitting all seven regional food banks across the Commonwealth by raising funds and increasing donations of food. The campaign will begin July 1 and will be supported by more than 150 local radio and television stations across Virginia, in collaboration with the Federation of Virginia Food Banks.

The First Lady will serve as the spokesperson for the campaign and she and Governor Terry McAuliffe will work with the VAB to promote Feeding Virginia. Together they will appear in a variety of Public Service Announcements (PSAs) supporting the program in the coming year.

“The Governor and I are passionate about making sure all Virginians have access to healthy meals and are supported in their times of need,” said Mrs. McAuliffe.  “I truly believe that collaborations like this are what it takes to solve challenges facing our communities and our economy and I commend the VAB for taking on this campaign to help end hunger in the Commonwealth.”

The campaign will begin with VAB member stations airing PSAs throughout the summer to raise awareness of the summer meals service.

The federal summer meals program helps low-income children get the healthy food they need when school is out.  These free, healthy meals are available to children and teens age 18 and under, but in Virginia, only 17.6 percent of children who receive a free or reduced-price lunch during the school year are participating in the summer meals program.

PSAs being run on local television and radio stations will let families know to text ‘Food’ to 877-877 or dial 1-866-3HUNGRY to locate the closest summer feeding site.

In the months ahead VAB member radio and television stations will promote and support Feeding Virginia through news coverage, promotion of local food bank events, and the airing of Public Service Announcements designed to generate funds, food, and awareness across the state.



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