Home East Rockingham Senior Center Chair Frames Photo for Dinner
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East Rockingham Senior Center Chair Frames Photo for Dinner


ersc awardBarry Elwood, Chair of the ERSC Local Council, delivered two framed photos and letters to the ERSC recognizing the very generous contributions made in December by Valley’s Exxon of McGaheysville and Elkton. The ‘professional’ framing was offered ‘free’ of charge by Mr. Elwood who is experienced in this type of work.

The framed photo was one of Valley’s employees and Gale Younkins, VPAS van driver, that was submitted and published in The Valley Banner in December. Along with the photo, a detailed caption was published explaining that over $1,301 was collected and used to purchase gifts for Meals on Wheels clients served by ERSC and that a $200 donation was made to the ERSC. The wording from that caption was transferred to VPAS stationery that was made a part of this framework.

The framed photos were delivered on March 13 to Valley’s Elkton location, which is just across the street from where the ERSC is located.

This gift-giving gesture seems to continue. Not only was the generosity of Valley’s Exxon and its employees appreciated, but the work put into matting and professionally framing these articles by ERSC Local Council Chair Barry Elwood was equally valued and much appreciated! Folks who visit both locations of Valley’s Exxon will be able to see and read about how Valley’s assisted our Center and its clients.

More online at www.EastRockinghamSeniorCenter.org.



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