Dominion Virginia Power has asked the Virginia State Corporate Commission (SCC) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to build a $1.3 billion state-of-the-art natural gas-fired power station in Greensville County.
If approved, the high-efficiency, combined-cycle station would generate about 1,600 megawatts, enough electricity to power 400,000 typical homes during peak demand. Construction is scheduled to begin next year pending SCC approval.
“Our analysis shows that over the life of this station our customers should save more than $2 billion versus the projected cost for purchasing the same amount of power for customers off the regional power grid,” said David Christian, chief executive officer for Dominion Generation. “It will be highly efficient, low cost and very reliable. It will also have excellent environmental attributes and an extremely favorable location for fuel and transmission service.”
The station will have a low carbon intensity because it utilizes clean burning natural gas, combined cycle technology and best available control technology to reduce emissions. It will also have lower water usage and a wastewater discharge plan that minimizes the impact to rivers and streams.
Greensville Power Station is part of Dominion’s plan for meeting demanding new air quality and proposed carbon dioxide emissions standards while keeping up with growing customer demand for energy. When the station is online in 2019, it will be part of a diverse portfolio that includes 400 megawatts of planned solar generation, including zero carbon emission nuclear power.
The station’s construction will create more than 1,000 jobs at peak and approximately 45 full-time positions once on line. In its first year of operation, the station is expected to provide as much as $8 million in property taxes for Greensville County in Southside Virginia.
Dominion Virginia Power, a subsidiary of Dominion (NYSE: D). Dominion is one of the nation’s largest producers and transporters of energy, with a portfolio of approximately 24,600 megawatts of generation and 6,455 miles of electric transmission lines. Dominion operates one of the nation’s largest natural gas storage systems with 928 billion cubic feet of storage capacity and serves utility and retail energy customers in 13 states. For more information about Dominion, visit the company’s website at