Do you need a good credit score to get a payday loan? Generally, payday lenders don’t run your credit score to qualify for their loans. If you urgently need money or you have not yet established a strong credit history, you can still get a payday loan.
However, just because payday lenders don’t scrutinize your credit score does not mean the loan is guaranteed. There are a few other basic eligibility requirements that you have to meet. If you encounter any payday lender promising assured approval, be suspicious. Legitimate payday lenders will not promise what they can’t deliver. There is more into this than it appears on the face value. No genuine lender will offer loans to borrowers without a credit check.
The wise said to think twice when a deal sounds sweet. If a lender promises approval, then there are high chances that he can benefit more from the deal. How can that be the case? There are instances when borrowers have lost money in the process of borrowing, and this is something you need to be careful with. In this blog, we will focus on whether lenders run credit for payday loans.
Basic qualifications for a payday loan
Generally, different payday lenders may ask you to meet different requirements to qualify for their loans. However, the following are some universal standards to expect. To be eligible for a payday loan, you must be:
- Above 18 years old
- In possession of national identification documents
- Able to provide evidence of regular income
- Have of an email address and a valid phone number
- Having a checking account
- A resident of a state that has legalized payday loans
Will commercial banks not approve your loan if you have taken out a payday loan?
On your credit report, payday loans are categorized as personal loans. Commercial banks treat these loans like any other credit when determining your creditworthiness as a borrower. However, commercial banks place less emphasis on payday loans compared to other kinds of loans.
What to remember when you have a payday loan
Don’t take many loans
After repaying your payday loan, don’t be tempted to apply for a subsequent one immediately. Taking too many small loans may imply that your financial stability is weak, even if you haven’t defaulted any loan yet.
Make repayments in time
Your credit report comprises of your loan repayment history. All missed, or late payments will be recorded on your credit report, and any financier that scrutinizes your report for two years can see the information.
Making many payday loan applications within a short period
Apart from applying for too many loans, you should avoid applying for many payday loans within a short period. Remember, all loans are listed on your credit report, and many loans suggest you are broke. This hinders your chances of getting another loan from a reputable lender.
Check your credit report frequently
Don’t fall victim to identity theft. Study your credit report before making any online loan application. Ensure that your creditors have listed your loan correctly and find out how your current credit condition looks like to lenders. You don’t want a small payday loan to affect your future loan qualifications.
Alternatives to consider before taking a payday loan
What is the likelihood of a payday loan trapping you in a cycle of debt? Should you not also consider that before wanting to know whether the lender will run your credit? It may not be necessary to take subsequent loans to pay the first one just because of your inability to service the interest. Consider the following alternatives before applying for a payday loan.
Side jobs
The internet offers many part-time remote employment opportunities. These jobs could be as easy as basic typing, and you can receive your easy earned money daily. You can as well use digital platforms to sell your unwanted items for quick cash.
Payment extensions
Negotiate with your bill provider about a lengthier payment plan or ask for extra time of your due date if you are behind schedule on payments.
Local resources
Local charity organizations, nonprofits, and government agencies habitually provide cheaper financial services and assist with rent, utilities, and food for those in need.
Where do payday lenders get your credit history?
Many payday lenders don’t need your credit reports provided by the three main credit bureaus:
- Transunion
- Equifax
- Experian
Payday lenders obtain your credit information from another source: Teletrack. Teletrack keeps track of consumer’s defaults and missed payments consumers’ social security numbers, and show past inquiries. If your payday lender is promising not to check with Teletrack, it is a good indication that it is a deception.
Other factors to consider before getting a loan from a payday lender who doesn’t require your credit history
Legit payday lenders have some for you to meet before getting their loans. Lenders who market guaranteed loans are likely to fraudsters. Payday lenders require you to let them access your bank account. The postdated check you write to the payday lender may attract expensive overdraft fees in case your account does not have enough money at the maturity of the check. These additional fees add up to the high-interest rates charged by payday lenders. Other considerations are legal battles for defaulting, they may have unaffordable, unfair, and misleading terms, and they don’t support you strengthen your credit.
The Bottom Line
When you urgently need money, it is enticing to fill out a four-minute application to acquire the cash you want via a payday loan. However, sometimes the fastest way to get a loan is not the best way. Do you want to be trapped in a circle of paying for that single payday loan for years? Like other forms of loans, it is essential to clear your payday loan in time and shun applying for several loan services within a short space of time. In case you need instant cash, check this licensed money Lender to borrow money online.