The City of Staunton is preparing for the reopening to the public of City Hall and the Irene Givens Administration Building on Monday, July 13.
The city is ready to resume in-person services in these two city facilities with safety restrictions and limitations in place, consistent with guidance issued by the federal and state governments.
The public is encouraged to continue use of the city drop box on Central Avenue, telephone and electronic methods—including the city’s website and email—to conduct business with the city, to the greatest degree possible. Those individuals who must visit City Hall or the Administration Building in person should be aware of safety protocols in place for the protection of the public and employees.
Among those protocols:
- No one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days, is permitted to enter either facility.
- Visitors are expected to maintain physical distancing at all times of at least six feet from others.
- Visitors will be expected to comply with Virginia’s Executive Order 63, which requires that all patrons aged 10 and over must wear a face covering that covers their mouth and nose when inside a local government building.
What to Expect When You Come to City Hall/Irene Givens Administration Building
- The buildings will be open for service to the public from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.
- All public entrances will be open and available.
- Public restrooms will be open and available.
- Plexiglass has been installed at customer service counters to ensure separation.
- Floor markings will be visible, cueing visitors to maintain six-foot physical distancing from others.
- All public spaces will be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis, with hand sanitizer readily available for public use.
Government Meetings
- City Council: City Council meetings are being conducted in person as of July 9, 2020. Due to the continuing public health emergency and the need to observe physical distancing requirements, only limited seating will be available to the public. For individuals who choose to attend in person, face coverings will be mandatory as required by state order, hand sanitizer and wipes will be available, and thorough cleaning of council chambers will occur before and after meetings. As an alternative to in-person attendance, individuals are encouraged to listen online or on local cable channel 7. Individuals may continue to participate in public hearings and matters from the public by telephone by following instructions found at
- Other public bodies: As other public bodies determine to resume in-person meetings, the arrangements similar to those for City Council meetings will be made.