It’s all about money, in the end. Keep that in mind when you’re thinking through your marketing.
Well, duh, right? That’s what you might be thinking right now. Of course it’s about the money. Why else are we running ads and building websites and nurturing our Facebook presence?
You’d be surprised at how quickly and easily you can let yourself get caught up in the style versus the substance. Not to say that you don’t want everything that you put out to look like something that could win you an award in a contest. I use that phrasing because we have one client whose marketing contact actually mentioned that to me, that they wanted to make sure that their branding was done well enough to compete for awards.
Awards are nice, looking simply the best is clearly very nice, but looking good and winning awards doesn’t necessarily get people in the door or ordering from you online.
And that’s the most important thing to any marketing that you do – be it digital (website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) or the more traditional advertising (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV).
Remember the bottom line. You’re not trying to win an award with your website or Facebook page or radio ad or TV or newspaper ad. You’re trying to make money.
Chris Graham is the president and CEO of Augusta Free Press LLC, a full-service marketing, web-design and graphic-design firm based in Waynesboro, Va. More online at