The City of Charlottesville is one of many jurisdictions in the United States to participate in The National Citizen Survey™ in 2016.
Postcards will be mailed to a random sample of 1,800 City of Charlottesville households, this is 600 more households than sampled in 2014. These postcards will inform residents that a questionnaire will follow asking for feedback on the quality and usefulness of city services. The results will be included in a final report that city officials and residents will use to guide future strategic plan processes and budgeting decisions.
The National Citizen Survey™ is sponsored by the International City/County Management Association in cooperation with National Research Center, Inc. The questionnaire and survey procedure were designed based on the experience of hundreds of local governments, ranging in size from small to large. Scientific sampling and weighting of the responses in each jurisdiction ensure accurate and reliable results.
Because each city’s survey is developed using a standard template, and many cities can be surveyed at one time, The National Citizen Survey™ is a very efficient way to measure citizen opinion.
The City hopes that anyone who receives a survey in the mail will return it and share their opinion.