For generations of Americans, a sense of opportunity has long defined the promise of our nation. This opportunity to succeed embodies the American Dream. However, in recent years, a growing federal government and weak economy has threatened this opportunity. Just a few days ago, Members of Congress gathered in the House Chamber to hear President Obama deliver his State of the Union address. While I listened to the speech with hope that I would hear a new, viable plan for job creation and economic growth, I was disheartened that, yet again, I heard many of the same failed promises.
The President talked a great deal about opportunity, but little about how the policies of his Administration have consistently stood in the way of those hardworking Americans looking for a brighter future. I agree that it is our shared responsibility to ensure the promise of opportunity experienced by generations of Americans. However, the President’s push for yet another round of big spending, big government programs like Obamacare is the latest example of just how out of touch he is with the needs of the American people.
At every turn throughout his time in office, President Obama has sided with big government policies that restrict the freedoms and liberties of Americans. Many of the proposals offered were merely a repeat of the failed economic policies that have done little, if anything, to boost our sluggish economy. The fact is that the Administration’s government-centered policies are placing increasing burdens on America’s job creators, which have prevented them from growing our economy and held back the great promise of America.
The House of Representatives has approved dozens of bills to curb stifling government regulations and promote job creation, including the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act. The REINS Act requires an up-or-down vote by the people’s representatives in Congress before any new major regulation can be imposed on our economy. This is one of the most powerful measures we can adopt to grow our economy and provide regulatory relief for American workers, households, and small businesses. It’s the REINS Act and measures like it that mark out the true path to enduring recovery and prosperity, not the measures suggested by the President.
I was also alarmed by the President’s brazen announcement that he intends to act on his own where he cannot work with Congress. The Constitution does not confer upon the President the “executive authority” to disregard the separation of powers by unilaterally waiving, suspending, or revising the laws. Circumventing Congress, the people’s branch, to enact his bad policies is completely unacceptable. I will continue to pay very close attention to any executive actions and will continue my efforts as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee to conduct strong oversight of what he does, and does not do, as President.
I remain committed to enacting policies that would advance prosperity for families and businesses. This is the Administration’s chance to work with Congress to preserve the American Dream for generations to come.
Bob Goodlatte represents the Sixth District in Congress.