Home Augusta County sees high number of motorcycle crashes: DMV recommends training
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Augusta County sees high number of motorcycle crashes: DMV recommends training

Crystal Graham
motorcycle on rural roadway
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The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles has launched a new campaign to promote motorcycle safety training.

The initiative seeks to increase awareness of the Virginia rider training program and encourage motorcyclists to enhance their skills through training.

As of July 31 this year, Virginia has experienced more than 1,200 motorcycle crashes resulting in 976 injuries and 63 deaths.

The jurisdictions with the highest number of fatalities include Fairfax County, Henrico County, Chesterfield County, Clarke County, Virginia Beach and Augusta County.

Last year, three out of four motorcyclists involved in crashes on Virginia roadways had not completed the Virginia rider training program.

The campaign’s centerpiece is a new ad that features a skilled motorcyclist enjoying a perfect ride on a quiet, scenic road. The serene atmosphere is suddenly disrupted when a car pulls out in front of him leading to a dramatic crash.

The training program is certified by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and offers comprehensive courses designed for riders at all levels. These courses provide an opportunity to master techniques and safety skills in a controlled environment.

Successful completion of the program not only enhances rider safety but also enables participants to earn their Virginia motorcycle endorsement.

“As a rider myself, I know training isn’t just a precaution, it’s a necessity. It transforms instinct into skill and uncertainty into confidence, making the difference between a close call and a disaster,” said DMV Commissioner Gerald Lackey, the Governor’s highway safety representative.

“This campaign is a crucial step in our ongoing efforts to improve motorcycle safety across the Commonwealth. By encouraging more riders to participate in the Virginia rider training program, we aim to reduce the number of crashes and fatalities on our roadways.”

To find a course near you, visit dmv.virginia.gov/vrtp.

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Crystal Graham

Crystal Graham

Crystal Abbe Graham is the regional editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1999 graduate of Virginia Tech, she has worked for 25 years as a reporter and editor for several Virginia publications, written a book, and garnered more than a dozen Virginia Press Association awards for writing and graphic design. She was the co-host of "Viewpoints," a weekly TV news show, and co-host of Virginia Tonight, a nightly TV news show on PBS. Her work on "Virginia Tonight" earned her a national Telly award for excellence in television.