Home Augusta County Library Calendar
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Augusta County Library Calendar


Ongoing at the Augusta County Library this month.

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 4 pm: Second Tuesday Book Club. Ages 18 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 4 pm: The Buzz on Beez: Hive Alive! Kevin Jones brings a live hive and talks about the not-so-secret life of bees. The disappearance of honeybees: what causes it? what can be done? Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 4 pm: Cool After School. Book talk, crafts, snack for K-3rd grade. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 10:30 am: Storytime for Toddlers. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 11 am & 1 pm: Precious Preschoolers. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages three to five and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 10, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age two and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 10, 11 am: Second Thursday Book Club. Ages 18 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 10, 5-7 pm: Birthday Party – Middlebrook Library is one year old! Entertainment and refreshments. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005

Thursday, Sept. 10, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Saturday, Sept. 12, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005

Monday, Sept. 14, 6:30 pm: Fantabulous Family Fun. Storytime for all ages. Free. Youth program room, Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Tuesday, Sept. 15, 9:30 or 11 am: Terrific Toddler Time. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 2-3 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Tuesday, Sept. 15, 4 pm: Cool After School. Book talk, crafts, snack for K-3rd grade. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 10:30 am: Storytime for Toddlers. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 11 am & 1 pm: Precious Preschoolers. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages three to five and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 17, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age two and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 17, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 17, 6:30 pm: Middlebrook Knitters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005

Saturday, Sept. 19, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005

Saturday, Sept. 19, 3 pm: Old Tales from New Hope: Book Talk with Dale Brumfield. In his book, Three Buck Naked Commodes, local author Dale Brumfield explores mysterious neighbors, brutal summer jobs, slanted haircuts, public school trauma and behind-numbing family vacations. Warning: this book could make you remember what you’ve tried to forget! Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Monday, Sept. 21, 6:30 pm: Fantabulous Family Fun. Storytime for all ages. Free. Youth program room, Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Monday, Sept. 21, 6:30 pm: Chess Knights. Learn to play chess. Discover new strategies. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Tuesday, Sept. 22, 9:30 or 11 am: Terrific Toddler Time. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 2-3 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Tuesday, Sept. 22, 4 pm: Cool After School. Book talk, crafts, snack for K-3rd grade. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Wednesday, Sept. 23, 10:30 am: Storytime for Toddlers. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287

Wednesday, Sept. 23, 11 am & 1 pm: Precious Preschoolers. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages three to five and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 24, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age two and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 24, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Thursday, Sept. 24, 6:30 pm: Middlebrook Knitters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005

Saturday, Sept. 26, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005

Saturday, Sept. 26, 2 pm: Strategerie! New family program. Sharpen your skills in Warhammer and other strategic battle games. Free. Basement, Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961

Saturday, Sept. 26: Banned Books Week begins. Exercise your freadom to read.

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 4 pm: Puppet Pandemonium heads for the hills! Augusta County Library’s famous puppet show goes to Deerfield. Free. Deerfield Library Station. 939-4123.



Fishersville Main Library
1759 Jefferson Highway, Fishersville, VA 22939
540.949.6354 or 885.3961.

Friends Gallery – Talmadge Cooley
Mezzanine Gallery – Brenda Sutton & Mary Ann Steele
Display Case – Jarod Kearney
Kites Aloft! – Will Smoot, American Kitefliers Association

3714 Churchville Ave., Churchville, VA 24421 245-5287
Hours: Noon-8 Mon. & Tue., 10-6 Wed., 10-5 Sat.
1st Monday Book Club for Grown-ups: 2 pm
Storytime for Toddlers: Wednesdays at 10:30 am

Middlebrook Station
3698 Middlebrook Road, Middlebrook, VA 24459 885-1008
Hours: 3-8 Tues. & Thurs., 9-3 Wed., 10-2 Sat.
Birthday Party: Middlebrook Library is one year old! Thurs., Sept. 10, 5-7 pm
Storytime in the Village: Saturdays at 11 am
Middlebrook Quilters: 1st Tuesdays, 3-5 pm
Knitting Group: Thursdays, 6:30 pm

Craigsville Station
18 Hidy Ave. Craigsville, VA 24430 997-0280
Hours: 1-6 Mon.-Wed., 11-4 Sat.

Deerfield Station
59 Marble Valley Rd., Deerfield, VA 24432 939-4123
Hours: 3-8 Tues. & Thur., 9-3 Wed., 10-1 Sat

www.augustacountylibrary.org: 9-8 Mon.–Thurs., 9-5 Fri. & Sat.
Book Clubs: 1st Tuesdays at 10 am
2nd Tuesdays at 4 pm
2nd Thursdays at 11 am
Family Story Night: Mondays, 6:30 pm
Knit Together: Thursdays, 6:30 pm
Chess Knights: 1st and 3rd Mondays, 6:30 pm
Saturday Computer Classes: Basic Skills, Job Search, Beginning E-mail (call library for details)



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