Augusta County residents will get a little more than a two-week extension to pay the first half of real estate taxes after the Board of Supervisors extended the due date at its May 8 meeting.
The bills, normally due on June 5, have not been mailed to county taxpayers. Tax bills are tentatively planned to be mailed in early June.
The due date for the first half of real estate taxes has now been extended to June 21.
By extending the due date, individuals and businesses will have additional time to pay after the bills are issued.
Once the bills are issued, property owners may also find an online copy of their tax statement.
For questions concerning tax bill payments, contact the treasurer’s office at (540) 245-5660 or [email protected].
- If you are going through an appeal of your assessed value, you are still responsible for payment of your taxes by the due date. Any changes made to assessed values will go through abatement following resolution.
- When real property is purchased or sold, real estate taxes are generally prorated, but this is a matter to be settled between the purchaser and the former owner. Real estate is assessed in the name of the owner as of January 1 of each year.
- If you receive a tax bill in the mail that is being escrowed by a mortgage company, please forward the bill to the mortgage company. If the mortgage company is responsible for payment, it is incumbent on the property owner to forward it to the company.
- The tax bill may not reflect the total delinquent tax amount currently due.
- Taxpayers may be eligible for a real estate exemption if you are 65 or older or permanently disabled and meet financial criteria established by local ordinance. Applications must be made every year by April 1.