No further details are available at this time.
The spread of the fire has been stopped in part due to precipitation and high humidity, according to the most recent update. At this time, the total acreage included in the fire is at 1,965, and the fire is 25 percent contained.
More than 94 personnel are assigned to the fire in Augusta County.
Crews continue to improve containment lines, cold trailed sections of the fire perimeter and worked on brushing operations up the Bald Mountain Jeep trail.
Staff will continue working along Coal Road and the fire perimeter today, checking lines and assessing the effects of the rainfall. Others will take advantage of the tactical pause due to rainfall to refurbish tools and equipment and to rest.
Closures remain implemented in the fire area.
Closures due to Big Levels fire
The following areas are temporarily closed to all public use due to the Big Levels fire to allow for public and firefighter safety:
- Cold Springs trail (FT#524)
- Cellar Mountain trail (FT#587)
- Bald Mountain Jeep trail (FSR#162)
- Bald Mountain Spur Road (FSR#162A)
- Saint Mary’s trail (FT#500)
- Saint Mary’s Gorge trail (FT#500B)
The national forest system lands north of the Saint Mary’s trail (#500) and within the area bounded by the Bald Mountain Jeep trail (FSR#162) and the Coal Road (FSR#42) are also closed.
More information
For further information, refer to the GWJNF website, follow on Facebook or contact the Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger District at 540-291-2188.