Home August 2013 Calendar of Events at JMU
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August 2013 Calendar of Events at JMU


jamesmadisonlogopurplepcAugust 2013 Calendar of Events
James Madison University
Office of Public Affairs
(Check http://www.jmu.edu for updates on events at JMU)

Aug. 1-Dec. 16: Area Youth Art Exhibition, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday, Memorial Hall first and second floor: More than 120 works of two- and three-dimensional art created by PreK-12 students from area schools enliven the hallways in Memorial Hall in an annual show. This year’s exhibit features the work of Rockingham County Public Schools and JMU’s Young Children’s Program. Area art teachers select some of their students’ best work for this open exhibition, which includes a wide range of media: paintings, drawings, collage, sculpture, photography and mixed media. For more information and to view the online gallery, visit http://www.jmu.edu/coe; free.

Aug. 5-9: Ninth Annual Children’s Poetry Camp, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, Memorial Hall: The theme of this year’s camp, for rising third to rising eighth graders, is “Words In Motion.” The goal of the poetry camp is to inspire children to explore all the ways they can be creative with words. The cost of the camp is $75 for the week and includes lunch a snack each day. Scholarships are available. Register at http://www.jmu.edu/furiousflower. Sponsored by the Furious Flower Poetry Center.

Aug. 10: JMU Surplus Property Sale, 7:30 a.m.-noon, JMU Surplus Property Warehouse, 1070 Virginia Ave., Harrisonburg (former Shenandoah Manufacturing Plant, North End Dock Area): All items are pre-priced and include projectors, appliances, LCD monitors, bikes, JMU sports and band apparel, sports bags, music keyboard, meat slicers, stainless steel fryers, dishes, televisions, cameras, DVD players, dorm beds, desks, tables, file cabinets, bookshelves, chairs, microscopes, lounge furniture, office supplies, map cabinet, lost-and-found items such as jewelry, iPods, sunglasses and much more. Terms are cash, check or credit card with proper identification. All items are sold on “as is, where is” basis with no implied warranties of any kind given. All sales are final; no refunds. No preview date. For additional information, call (540) 568-6931.

Aug. 12-16: Children’s Peace Camp, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Memorial Hall: The theme for the camp, sponsored by the Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence, is “Planting Peace.” Children ages 6 to 13 are encouraged to register at http://www.jmu.edu/gandhicenter. Children 14 or older are encouraged to apply to be junior counselors. The cost is $50 per child. Scholarships are available.

Aug. 12: Adult Degree Program Information Session, noon, Room 3165, Memorial Hall: The informal session includes a brief overview of the program and a question-and-answer segment; no preregistration is required; for information, call Pamela Hamilton at (540) 568-6824; free.

Aug. 13: Storytime in the Understory, 11 a.m.-noon, Edith J. Carrier Arboretum: Children will develop an understanding of the importance of nature from children’s literature selections. Bring a picnic blanket or lawn chairs and a brown-bag picnic lunch for after storytime. For more information, check http://www.jmu.edu/arboretum.

Aug. 26: Fall semester begins. Classes meet as scheduled.


Edith J. Carrier Arboretum, open daily dawn to dusk, off University Boulevard: Contains a wide variety of trees and plants native to Virginia; call (540) 568-3194 for tours; free.

JMU Meteorite Collection, open daily, first- and second-floor hallways, Physics and Chemistry Building: Features fragments of meteoroids that survived passage through the atmosphere to fall to the earth’s surface as masses of metal or stone; includes specimens from Diablo Canyon, Ariz., the Sahara Desert and the Central European Strewn Field; free.

Masks from Around the World Collection at the College of Education, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday, lobby of War Memorial Auditorium, Memorial Hall: Featuring 50 masks, this collection was donated to the college for use by its students interested in studying the interplay between cultural ideals and masks; the collection includes masks used in performance, masks of Asia and masks of Europe; for information and to view the online gallery, seehttp://www.jmu.edu/coe; free.

JMU Mineral Museum, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Room 6139, Memorial Hall: The Department of Geology and Environmental Science opens its collection of over 550 crystals and gemstones from around the world to the public; for information, call (540) 568-6130; free.

JMU Libraries and Educational Technologies’ Special Collections, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday and by appointment, Room 207, Carrier Library: Features manuscripts, rare books and periodicals, oral histories and other resources for study, including many acquisitions focusing on the Central Shenandoah Valley; for information, call(540) 568-3612 or send email to [email protected]; free.

John C. Wells Planetarium, Miller Hall: The planetarium offers full-dome shows and special events for the public; groups can schedule visits by calling (540) 568-4071; check the planetarium’s website at http://www.jmu.edu/planetarium/index.shtml for the latest information; free.



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