Home A wooden beer mug is the best gift for him
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A wooden beer mug is the best gift for him

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(© flowertiare – stock.adobe.com)

If you’re looking for a gift for him and don’t know what to buy, this is the article that you’ll want to read. We have just one question for you: does he like beer? If so, a large wooden beer mug may be the best option that most people overlook.

We’re going to help you find the best beer mug for him in the following few sections.

How to choose the best wooden mug

If you don’t know how to choose a wooden beer mug, you’re not alone. People have seen these types of mugs before, but they don’t know what makes one mug better than another. A few of the recommendations that we have which can make your choice easier are:

  • Capacity. How much liquid can the mug hold? Many mugs can only hold a small amount of beer, but you’ll want to find a model that holds at least ten ounces of beer.
  • Interior. The interior of the beer mug should contain some sort of insert. If you notice that the interior is wood, this is bad. Wooden is porous, so the beer can soak into the wood and lead to bacteria growth. Stainless steel is a good option for an insert because it is easy to clean and doesn’t impact the exterior look of the mug.
  • Handle. No one thinks of a wooden beer mug and relishes over the small handle of the mug. Wooden mugs are meant to have large handles, so this is one of the main features that you need to consider. If the handle is small, we don’t recommend it.

Insulation will be another consideration. Wood will let the cold escape from the mug and lead to beer warming. No one likes warm beer. Some manufacturers use an insulation technique where there’s a double-wall right before the insert that will protect the beer from warming.

Finally, consider the coating on the exterior of the mug.

While a person may envision themselves drinking out of the mug like a Viking, the exterior wood will attract bacteria and ought to have a protective coating. Top-tier manufacturers will coat the mug’s exterior to extend its lifespan and prevent any potential damage with long-term usage.

Benefits of a wooden beer mug

If you purchase a wooden beer mug, there are a lot of benefits to offering this type of mug as a gift for someone else, such as:

  • Wooden beer mugs are becoming a rarity, so it’s not something that a person is likely to have already. In fact, you’ll find a lot of unique wooden beer mugs that you won’t find anywhere else.
  • Personalization is possible. If you want your gift to really touch the heart of the person receiving it, a personalized wooden beer mug is the best option. You can always engrave the mug with a person’s initials or other information.
  • Mugs stand out. A lot of men want to tap their mugs together with their friends and drink beer. We’ve all seen wooden steins in movies and television shows, but few people have seen these mugs in person before. When the receiver gets their gift, it will continue to stand out today and in the future.

Wooden beer mugs are an excellent opportunity to make a lasting impression on a person, and you can purchase these great mugs right online.

Where to buy a wooden beer mug

If you want to buy the best, there’s no one better in the business than TESLYAR. The company redefines the classic wooden beer mug with a version that includes the beautiful wooden design that you want with a stainless-steel insert to make it easy to clean.

When he receives this gift, it is one that you can be sure he’ll show off to the world and will get a lot of use.

Unfortunately, many gifts that people purchase end up collecting dust in the back of a closet or are never used beyond the first day or two. However, a wooden mug is one of the most functional gifts that you can purchase, and you can be very confident that he’ll love it just as much in 10 years as he will today.



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