Painting your room can be an expensive hassle a lot of the times, but what if we told you it doesn’t have to be? With a little bit of research and the right approach, you can save a lot of money and time. Ultimately, you’ll be left with a room that is beautifully painted and extremely pleasing to the eye.
There are many different tips and techniques you can employ to save money and effort such as employing the use of a paint zoom sprayer. Some other things to think about when painting your room are:
1. Determine Your Look and Approach
It’s very important for you to do your research first and determine what you want your room to look like before you go out and buy paints for it. You’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t do so because you’ll most probably end up buying paints that you don’t really need and thus, wasting a lot of money.
Determining the look of your room and making a list of all the paints you’ll need in order to achieve that look is a great way to start. Once you have your list written down, you can start looking up cheap variants of the paints you need.
Please keep in mind that you should definitely opt for cheaper paints if you’re trying to save money but you should also be wary of low-quality paints. Looking up reviews online for paints can help you immensely in order to strike a balance between quality and price.
2. Choose Primary and Secondary Colors
If you’re painting your room for the first time, browsing through immense and detailed catalogs of fan decks and paint chips can be quite overwhelming. That is why we highly recommend that you try to keep it as simple as you possibly can.
There are a few questions that you can ask yourself which will help you determine what you want your primary and secondary colors for your room to be: Do you want a cooler shade or a warmer shade? Do I want a neutral, unassuming color or do I want a saturated, poppy color? Ask yourself what you need and determine what colors will help you achieve that. Not only will this help you narrow down the paints you’ll need but it will also ensure you don’t waste any money on unnecessary paints.
If you have existing wall art or furniture, you should also think about how the color of your paint will help accentuate them and enhance their look. It’s not something a lot of people think about but they definitely should as it elevates the aesthetics of your room immensely.
3. Pick your Tools
Every project is different and you may need different tools depending on how your room is structured and the shape of your walls, etc. As mentioned earlier, it’s a great idea to make a list of all the tools you’re going to be needing so you don’t forget anything. Some of the tools that should definitely be on your list are:
- Paint roller
- Paintbrushes
- Paint tray
- Sandpaper
- Rags
- Drop cloths
As you can probably imagine, you can save a lot of money by properly researching which tools you’re going to be needing. Adopting the same approach you did with your paints works like a charm with your tools as well. What we mean by this is that after you’ve made a list of the tools you’re going to be needing, you should go online and look up budget-friendly variants of these tools that don’t sacrifice too much on quality to have a lower price point.
4. Estimate how much Paint will be Needed
It’s fairly obvious why thinking about this before you go out to buy paints can help you save money immensely. If you don’t have an accurate estimate of how much paint you’ll be needing, you may end up not buying enough or even worse: buying too much.
A general rule of thumb with paints is to have about one gallon of paint for every 400 square feet. This doesn’t account for windows or doors, however. You can look up tons of paint calculators online that will help you determine how much paint you’ll really be needing. Also, please do keep in mind that in most cases, you’ll be having two coats of paint on your room’s walls. Hence, you should definitely account for that.
Certain special cases may require more paint than usual. For example, if you have a charcoal-grey or black wall which you intend on whitewashing, you’re going to require additional paint when making the transition. For darker paints, you may require additional coats of paint compared to lighter colors.
5. Clean Up Effectively
It may be tempting to relax a bit once you’re done painting your room but keep in mind that the job is not over just yet. Slacking on cleaning up after you’ve finished painting your room is a very bad idea. It can lead to spills and splatters that will not only increase the amount of work you have to do but in some cases, you may also have to go out and buy additional paint to cover them up effectively.
Once you’re done, gather all your tools, rags and drop clothes and take them out of the room with care. If you have later or water-based paints, you can clean your brushes effectively with just soap and water. If you have oil-based paints, you’ll need mineral spirits to clean your brushes properly.
Painting your room may seem daunting at first as it’s very easy to take the wrong step and buy loads of paint that may not be right for you. However, with the right approach and planning, you can turn this into a streamlined experience that won’t be too harsh on your pocket either.