Home Winners and Losers: Aug. 5, 2008
Virginia News

Winners and Losers: Aug. 5, 2008


Compiled by Chris Graham
[email protected]

OK, SO IT’S WORKING: McCain leads, is tied, is trailing only slightly, whatever

He went negative, too early in my opinion, but he got a bounce out of it. What had been as much as a nine-point lead after Barack Obama’s trip abroad is now a statistical dead heat, with John McCain ahead in two survey renderings.

I personally think it’s way, way too early to be worried about who’s ahead and who’s behind, unless there’s a big margin either way. But give the McCain folks credit; they erased what had been a borderline big lead, even as I wonder at what cost.


NAME A VEEP ALREADY: Kaine, Cantor still on short lists

It makes sense to me that we’d hear one or both of the big-party campaigns name their veeps this week, but we’re not hearing any chatter to that effect.

Which makes me wonder. What in the Sam Hill are they waiting for? Me personally, I’d love to have a veep out there on the trail adding to my national profile.

The value of waiting two or three weeks post-Olympics is … two or three weeks of not having an extra person getting national-candidate attention.

Not smart, if you ask me, but nobody ever asks me.


TODAY’S HOT OR NOT: Keith Olbermann, Dana Milbank part ways

It had to do with what seemed to be a minor dustup over a column that the Olbermann people thought mischaracterized a statement made by Barack Obama about his trip abroad last week.

Me, too, I think what Milbank wrote was misleading at best, and just plain wrong at worst.

I don’t know that it was worth ending a four-year relationship over, one, and two, I don’t know that Olbermann needed to air the dirty laundry on his show last night.

Both guys end up losing here.



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