This Election Day you have a clear choice for delegate of the 20th District. You have a choice between someone who isn’t scared to take a stance and protect your natural rights and someone who goes along with their party, part of the broken two-party system.
If elected, I will go to Richmond with principles and convictions that cannot be bought by corporations and other special interests. The same cannot be said about my opponent. The saying “follow the money” is true, just follow the money from the donations that Dickie Bell receives and you will see his votes follow. I cannot be bought, I will not be bought. Corporations and other special interest groups know going to a Libertarian to buy their vote is a lost cause. Bell even said during a public forum after I had brought up that he had received x amount of dollars from a lobbying group that “everyone does it.” Whether or not everyone does it does not make it right. I have not and will never accept donations from corporations.
I want to go to Richmond to represent the people of the 20th District, the individual, not corporations. I want to bring about transparency to Richmond, the legislative process, and my voting record. I want to protect your property rights from eminent domain abuses, such as the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. I want to fight for ALL your natural rights, not just some and when it’s politically convenient. I want to stop gerrymandering, a corrupt tool used by Democratic and Republican politicians to select their constituents in order to stay in power. I want to be accessible even when I’m in Richmond, using technology to it’s full potential and have online town halls. I want to end the failed drug war, it costs too much financially, there is too much human potential lost, and it’s just another perpetual, unwinnable war. I want to protect your right to self-defense, gun rights. I want to decrease the size and scope of the state government, bring more power back to the communities, individuals. I want to lower your tax burden as much as possible and whenever possible. With that, I want to promote actual fiscal responsibility with the state budget. And most importantly, I want to represent you in Richmond.
So, if you cherish your natural rights, principles, and convictions; I ask that you vote for me. If you are tired of business as usual politics, party politics, are an independent, 47% of Americans identify as independent; I ask that you vote for me. If you are tired of corruption, cronyism, and votes being bought; I ask that you vote for me. We may not agree on everything, but at least you will know where I stand, that I am representing you and not corporations, and that I do not have a party to answer to. At the very least, I ask that you do some research and actual think about your vote; do not mindlessly select the incumbent as you actually have a clear choice, not lesser of two evils!
Will Hammer is the Libertarian candidate for House of Delegates, District 20.