Home Will Hammer: Empowering the individual
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Will Hammer: Empowering the individual


HammerliteYou hear a lot of people complain about our elected officials, career politicians, the other party, their own party, government bureaucracy, our dwindling rights, and so on. But they continue to get stuck in the false left right paradigm, the us versus them mentality, and that they actually have a choice with the two major parties. Or, they select the ‘lesser of two evils’.

But where has these actions gotten us? It hasn’t gotten us to where anyone wanted, that is for sure. So why do we keep electing the same politicians from the same parties yet expect different outcomes? We need to stop the red versus blue, right versus left mentality and try something different! We need to come together and protect ourselves from the political class who divide us and pit us against one another.

What is something different? How about voting third party, specifically Libertarian? Right now you may be saying: “Libertarians, or any third party, cannot win!”, or “What is a Libertarian?”, etc.

To answer the first possible statement, Libertarians can win! An example is my very own campaign against Republican incumbent Dickie Bell for the VA House of Delegates, District 20. I am Mr. Bell’s only opposition, so there is no Democrat and no other third party or independent candidate. This is the PERFECT opportunity to vote against the failed two party system and send a loud message to Richmond and to the two major parties that we are tired of not having true choice at the ballot. I have had a lot of Republicans come up to me and tell me that they are tired of their party selling them out and not doing what they say they will (talking the talk but not walking the walk). Well, this is, again, the PERFECT opportunity to tell the party that you identify with that you are tired of the business as usual politics and the establishment. If you are a Democrat, you have no chair at the table in this election, so why not vote in opposition to the Republican party and vote for civil liberties by voting Libertarian? And of course, the majority of us Americans actually identify as independent, neither Republican nor Democrat. So why keep voting for them? Stop doing the same and expecting a different result! They have a term for that, it’s called insanity.

So, what is a Libertarian? A Libertarian does not believe or advocate in the initiation of force for political, economic, or social goals. We believe in freedom, in preserving our individual natural rights from the state. We believe in property rights, that you own your property and yourself and should be able to protect it from aggressors, including the state. The state, or government, does not grant you rights, you are born with them! Stop allowing the government to take your rights and stand up for yourself.

So what will I do if elected? I will go to Richmond and advocate for the individual. I will be a loud voice of opposition when both parties commingle to tax you more, take away more freedoms and rights, and engage in corrupt backroom deals. I will be an advocate for the abolition of entire departments at the state level and across the board budget cuts. I will protect and expand your gun rights. I will protect the individual and minorities from the whims of the majority. I will bring about transparency to the legislative process and my votes. I will be an accessible delegate, personally holding town hall meetings both in district and online while I am in Richmond. I will protect and expand school choice. I will fight against government abuses. I will fight for your property rights. I will fight to empower you, not Richmond. You may not agree with me on everything that I believe or would do if elected, but you will know where I stand and know that I am there for you, not special corporate interests.

I will be writing and releasing an Op-Ed on a weekly basis from here until Election Day. With these, I will be highlighting and focusing on individual issues as well as my stance and solutions to them. These issues will include: transparency, judicial and police reform, gerrymandering, property rights and eminent domain, school choice, civil liberties, fiscal responsibility and cutting waste, and more . I want you, my prospective constituent, to know exactly where I stand and why I stand there. Yes, there may be a few areas of disagreement , but I hope we can find common ground and work together to protect and advance your personal liberties.

Will Hammer is a Staunton resident and the Libertarian candidate for House of Delegates, District 20. You can learn more at wmhammer.com or email Will directly at [email protected]



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