The Waynesboro Public Library has a new reading incentive program aimed at children from birth through age five and their caregivers. Called Book A Day, the goal is to encourage parents to read to their children. The premise is simple: Read at least one book a day with your child and for the thirty books read per month, adults will receive a free Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut.
Children’s Programming Coordinator, Adrienne Hamlyn says, “The greater reward is having your child better prepared for Kindergarten. Studies show the correlation between reading and school-readiness. Reading proficiency is also directly related to academic achievement.”
WPL’s program is modeled after the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program that has been implemented at libraries throughout the country. However, instead of putting the focus on such a daunting number, the focus is on making reading a part of the daily routine. With that in mind, reading a book before bedtime every night for three years makes getting to 1000 easier than you think (3 x 365 = 1095).
Sign-ups for the program have already begun. The program runs through the school year and will return for subsequent school years. In addition to counting library books, story times can also be included. This is to get families comfortable using the library and its resources.
“Kids become better readers if they’re read to,” says Hamlyn. “So read and read often. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. It all begins with you.”
For more information about Book A Day, contact WPL at 942-6746. A list of story times can be found under the program tab on the library’s website,, or by calling the library.