Home Virginia veterans: Trump ‘poses a very real threat’ to national security
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Virginia veterans: Trump ‘poses a very real threat’ to national security


donald trumpAhead of Donald Trump’s visit to Hampton Roads today, Navy Lt. Linwood Fisher (Ret.), Brig. Gen. Dave McGinnis (Ret.), and Col. Dave Belote (Ret.) held a press conference highlighting how a Donald Trump presidency would be a grave danger for our national security.

Fisher, McGinnis, and Belote denounced Trump’s record of disrespecting veterans and military families and discussed how Trump’s agenda would threaten the safety and security of families across Virginia.

“In terms of knowledge of our national security strategy or foreign policy, Trump has no clue,” said Brig. Gen. McGinnis (Ret.). “He has repeatedly made this abundantly clear throughout the campaign. His ignorance on national security matters poses a very real threat to our nation.”

Navy Lt. Fisher (Ret.) raised concerns over “Trump’s lack of knowledge about foreign affairs and his concerning connections to pro-Kremlin elements,” before concluding, “the bottom line is that Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to lead our military, unable to care for our veterans, and unqualified to serve as our commander-in-chief.”

“Let me tell you, as a veteran, who had the privilege to command a squadron, a crew and the largest fighter base in the country I am disgusted by Trump’s bombastic rhetoric,” said Col.Dave Belote (Ret.). “Every day he violates everything I have ever learned about leadership.”



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