It’s not too late to register for the Conference on Teaching Large Classes, to be held at Virginia Tech on Thursday, July 21. Early-bird registration ends July 1 with online registration closing July 14.
This is the second year of the conference, which is organized by the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research at Virginia Tech. Conference keynotes and sessions focus on better teaching and learning practices for faculty who teach large classes.
“A large class can vary by discipline or the topic at hand. For some, a class of 30 may be large, while others teach classes of hundreds. No matter the number of students in a classroom, we want to equip educators with techniques that help foster deep learning with students, despite the class size,” said Peter Doolittle, assistant provost for teaching and learning and executive director of the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research.
Martha Olney, adjunct professor and undergraduate chair of the Department of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, will give the opening keynote address on “Group work in large (and small) enrollment classes.”
Greg Justice, professor in the School of Performing Arts in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech, will give the closing keynote address on “The art of teaching large classes: Using acting techniques in the teaching/learning process.”
The rest of the conference will include focused research, practice, and conversation sessions, in addition to a poster session. The full schedule is available on the conference website. Attendees are also invited to a closing reception.
The conference will be held at the Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center, located at 901 Prices Fork Road in Blacksburg, Virginia. Get updates on the conference through the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research’s Twitter page.