The Republican nominee will be decided soon, so will you guess who it will be, and will it matter.
I write this after listening to all the different voices during the Republicans final caucus, and I want to ask a question. Who do you think the final nominee and will it matter? We’ve got Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, or Rick Santorum; so who will win?
Anyone that’s read my articles in the past knows that I am 1) ultraconservative, 2) pro-life and have a “Reagan Republican” philosophy. I have not changed in what I think I still believe in pro-life, pro-growth, low taxes, controlled spending and “’fetuses are babies at conception.”
What I will say in closing will shock many, and I pray I’m wrong: I think we’re living in a state of delusion, in that no matter who the Republican nominee is, we’ve got a young populace and a blinded older populace that think President Obama will somehow keep his job, no matter how sloppy, in debt [$15 trillion debt; Bush left $7.6 trillion!], and saying “pretty please” to the Iranian leader who has our drone that crashed in Iran? The leader of the free world saying “pretty please” to another dictator for keeping our nuclear weapon?
I pray I’m wrong but Americans (I fear) are blinded by the radical ruler we’ve had in the White House for three years and will give him four more years because we listen to a slanted media and forget what Martin Luther King Jr. said: “It’s not the color of the skin but ‘the content of the heart!’”
Letter from Tony Wright/Waynesboro