The story of how a young Latin girl defied all odds to become a pop sensation
“While we live, we should build our dreams and silence the negative voices trying to stop us”, these are words of Taty Pink on how she managed to make a breakthrough in the Brazilian music industry.
Due to sexual and social division, women were once confined to their homes with their capabilities concentrated to focus on household chores. Despite coming a long way, the road to gender equality is still difficult to navigate. According to a report by the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Institute, female identifying artists comprised only 21.6% of artists, 12.6% of songwriters, and just a mere 2.6% of all producers. Breaking into the music business is a difficult task for any talented artist. And as the statistics show, this task becomes exponentially more taxing for a previously disadvantaged, 44-year-old, minority female. Which is why Taty Pink is the epitome of hard work and dedication.
A dream of stardom that was immediately disrupted by the harsh reality of growing up without the comfort of financial backing has now become the life of Brazilian singing sensation, Taty Pink. Growing up she idolized icons such as Madonna and Michael Jackson who pushed past their upbringing to reach unfathomable heights within the music industry. The songstress channeled inspiration from her music icons and despite the odds decided to pursue her music career.
Early life
Born in Brazil and raised in a poor São Paulo community, Taty Pink faced a multitude of battles growing up. Just a young Latin girl with the dream of being able to master the piano and drums, Taty wanted nothing more than to have the world witness her talent. With both of her parents struggling to make ends meet, Taty Pink knew that they would not be able to financially invest in her dreams to develop and refine her raw talent. She could no longer see her dream as a promising career and in turn had to put her passion on the back burner.
Trying to learn English was difficult without the luxury of access to the internet, so Taty Pink turned to the music of some of her favorite artists for help, in love with Phil Collins, she would sit for weeks with only a dictionary as aid, listening intently to his songs and the words sung as she translated lyrics from English into Portuguese.
The start to a promising singing career
In 2000, Taty started her career as a professional model for a large department store in Brazil. A whole new world had opened up and the 23-year-old model was now exposed to international fashion designers, artists, and other models. It was here that her musical spark was reignited and her life began to take a turn for the better.
With a promising career in modelling taking flight, Taty Pink was able to extensively travel abroad that she was inspired to add to her academic portfolio by completing her studies in business, fashion, marketing and English.
In 2010, Taty Pink took the first major step towards her singing career by moving to the United States. She lived in Texas for 7 years, where she grew her Instagram following by working on a variety of brand collaborations.
In 2017, Taty Pink moved to California where she worked as a full-time social media content creator. This allowed her to invest in her music career by funding her studies in Psychology and music, vocal training & song writing. Taty then used her social platforms to showcase her own talent on her YouTube channel making her the face of her own brand.
Fast forward to 2021 and Taty Pink is on her way to joining the ranks of the artists that she grew up listening to. Having released her first album in June this year, Taty Pink is currently working on releasing songs in Spanish and English. The multitalented vocalist has also moved closer to Miami to work on her music career, focusing her energy into networking with personals within the industry, doing live concerts and shows whilst connecting specifically with other Latin artists and creatives.
Taty Pink, now 44, is testimony to how your age will only hold you back if you let it. Rocking her most authentic self, a pop vibe and determination, Taty Pink encourages others like her to always go for their dreams “Don’t give up, don’t look at your circumstances, family background, social status, just believe in God, in you and go for your dreams.”
Story by Elizma Burger