A lot going on today, requiring a better attention span than I have access to given my recent battles with summer allergies.
(Blame it on the rain. And being outside most of the weekend.)
– News Virginian columnist/blogger/glueman Jim Sacco is leaving for ostensibly greener pastures, according to an entry on his Facebook page. The local sports-news scene won’t be the same, and neither will my knowledge of what’s going on in it. For example, who’s in charge of keeping me abreast of the latest lunacies of Hubert Grim? Does this mean that I have to keep up with that stuff myself?
Let me add to the chorus of folks who have sent their well wishes to Mr. Sacco here. Jim hasn’t (as of this writing) indicated where he’s going, but wherever it is, they’re in for a treat, and outside of the administration at Fort Defiance High School, we’re going to be jealous.
– Interesting op-ed in the Washington Post co-authored by Chris Saxman and Democrat Kris Amundson on what they learned in their time in the General Assembly. If you think politics is like sausage in that it’s best not to know how it’s made, you probably ought to skip this one.
– An exchange of e-mails with a conservative friend and regular AFP reader on Nancy Pelosi had me researching what turned out to be an Internet hoax. Nothing substantial – just made-up quotes attributed to Pelosi on a windfall-profits tax. You want to think people are smarter than to hit send sometimes.
– Still waitin’ for the video archive of Saturday’s Creigh Deeds-Bob McDonnell debate. Breaking news: Both sides declare victory. Shocking.
– Column by Chris Graham