Home State Police searching for missing inmate in Weyers Cave area
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State Police searching for missing inmate in Weyers Cave area


batra1151723The Virginia State Police and Virginia Department of Corrections are searching for an inmate who escapedfrom custody while on a work-release assignment at about 10 a.m. Wednesday morning (June 19, 2013) in Weyers Cave. The inmate was assigned to a VDOC Work Release crew that was landscaping the grounds of the Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport in Weyers Cave.

The inmate is Karan Batra, 44, an Asian male. He is 5 feet 5 inches in height and weighs approximately 165 lbs. He was last seen wearing blue jeans and an orange, DOC work shirt.  His convictions are for non-violent crimes and he does have connections to Northern Virginia, specifically the Alexandria area.

Anyone with information about Batra is asked to immediate dial #77 on a cell phone or 911 to contact State Police. Though the individual is not considered dangerous, he should not be approached.



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