A second public meeting on downtown parking will be held on Tuesday, August 13th at 5:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 503 West Main Street, Waynesboro.
The meeting will be focus on a wide range of potential strategies and solutions to downtown parking issues. These strategies and solutions are lumped in three broad categories:
- strategies to create more parking,
- strategies to improve parking enforcement, and s
- trategies to improve the management of parking.
Visit the Downtown Revitalization Website and click on the “Downtown Parking” for more detailed information. (http://www.revitalizingdowntownwaynesboro.com/ )
The meeting will start at 5:00 P.M.with a brief presentation followed by an open forum session with questions and comments on the proposed downtown parking strategies and solutions.
Your feedback is important! Please plan to attend the meeting. For more detailed information, please visit the downtown parking website or contact Michael Barnes at 942-6604.