The Rockingham County Fair had its biggest Thursday ever with more than 16,000 visitors turning the turnstiles, according to a preliminary view on attendance figures released today.
The Fair drew 16,838 attendees on Thursday, up 8 percent from the Thursday in the 2013 Fair week. The turnout was also the third-highest day for any day in the history of the Fair, behind the Wednesday in 2012 that featured a Luke Bryan concert and a Saturday in 2010 where the main event was a tractor pull.
The big event on the lineup on Thursday at the Fair was a concert by Old Crow Medicine Show.
The Fair through Thursday has drawn 53,378 visitors, with more than 13,000 each day on Tuesday and Wednesday with the big events those days being a concert from country music star Lee Brice on Tuesday and a concert featuring rock stars The Goo Goo Dolls and Daughtry on Wednesday.