As Virginia’s executive branch is roiled in controversy with racist images and an alleged sexual assault, women are quietly working to heal their communities and build a path forward for the state of Virginia.
In 2017 Virginia was highlighted on the national/international stage with a shocking display of Nazi symbolism and the murder of a young woman in Charlottesville. Now here we are again. In light of the recent events all Virginians should give thoughtful and serious contemplation to their participation in institutionalized racism and sexism, normalized for so long, but no longer tolerable.
Kati Hornung, Campaign Coordinator for VAratifyERA, states, “It is time for all loyal Virginians to come together and build a bridge forward out of the chaos. The Virginia depicted in the news today is not the Virginia we want to be. We need to move forward, toward equality. Ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment would send a strong message to the nation about what Virginia stands for today.”
To lead the path forward, the VAratifyERA campaign will host a “Lead Virginia Forward, One State to 38” rally next Thursday, February 14th, on the steps of the Virginia State Capitol (1000 Bank Street, Richmond) at 10:30 AM. This Valentine’s Day, let’s join together and declare, “Virginia is for equality lovers!”
Speakers at the rally will include Toni Van Pelt, President of NOW National; Ellie Smeal, President of Feminist Majority Foundation; and Carol Jenkins, President of ERA Coalition.
The rally will be organized by Shanise Williams, Community Organizer & Founder of the Close Knit Communities Coalition. She states, “We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by the past. The road which has led us to where we are now, with its distractions and obstructions, cannot stop us from moving forward. Today women stand together, in solidarity, demanding equality like many before us, but unwilling to patiently wait any longer. History may repeat itself, but this isn’t history, this is HERstory!”
For more information on the Equal Rights Amendment and Virginia’s campaign, visit To follow the campaign, visit VAratifyERA on Facebook, Twitter and instagram.