Home Poll: Gingrich has early lead in Florida
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Poll: Gingrich has early lead in Florida


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has a five-point lead on Mitt Romney among Florida Republicans, according to poll numbers released on Monday by Public Policy Polling.

PPP has Gingrich at 38 percent in Florida and Romney at 33 percent. Rick Santorum, who won the Iowa caucus earlier this month, is a distant third at 13 percent, with Ron Paul in fourth at 10 percent.

Gingrich appears to be benefitting from the momentum of his big victory in South Carolina over the weekend. Romney had led Gingrich in Florida by a 41 percent-to-26 percent margin in a PPP poll released a week ago.

More on the poll online at www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2012/01/newt-up-5-in-florida.html.



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