Virginia Politics Notebook
John Warner endorses Amendment 1
Former U.S. Sen. John Warner announced this week his endorsement for Amendment 1, which would amend the Virginia Constitution to establish a nonpartisan redistricting commission.
“I had the good fortune to serve the people of Virginia for 30 years, and during that time, I always strived to do what was best for all of our citizens,” said Warner, a Republican, who served in the United States Senate representing Virginia from 1979-2009.
“The passage of Amendment 1 is essential to achieving this goal and to further strengthen our state’s political institutions. This referendum was drafted by a bipartisan group of volunteers from all walks of life and every corner of Virginia in order to give average citizens a stronger voice in the important process of redistricting. After all these years of hard work, only you, the voters of Virginia, can make this happen. Vote YES on Amendment 1.”
Working Families Party endorses Qasim Rashid
Qasim Rashid’s campaign for Congress in the First District picked up the endorsement of the Working Families Party, an organization made up of individual members, unions, community organizations and activists whose goal is “to build a multiracial working-class movement that can meet this historic moment.”
“The Working Families Party is proud to endorse Qasim Rashid,” National Director of the Working Families Party Maurice Mitchell said. “His commitment to workers, labor unions, and families is unparalleled. Especially now, Qasim’s campaign is centering essentially workers who are on the frontlines of this pandemic. He leads with compassion and we’re proud to work alongside him for justice.”
“This endorsement is very important to me, and I’m so grateful for the support of the Working Families Party. I firmly believe in what the WFP stands for. In the richest country in the history of the world, everyone deserves economic security, health care, a clean environment, a quality education, and a safe place to live,” Rashid said. “I will fight for working families in Congress and I look forward to partnering with the Working Families Party to deliver the results every American deserves.”
Wittman highlights re-election endorsements from First District sheriffs
The campaign of First District Republican Congressman Rob Wittman is touting the endorsements from a range of local sheriffs in the district.
“We are in a public environment that we have not seen before in our lifetime. With so many leaders pushing divisive narratives, now more than ever we need to support those in office who are willing to build bridges and extend olive branches,” James City County Sheriff David Hardin said. “This has always been Rob Wittman. Not only is he known for drafting and passing bipartisan legislation in Congress, but he is also an outspoken advocate of open and honest dialogue between community and elected leaders. He fights for solutions that protect communities and keep law enforcement safe and funded and I am proud to support him this election cycle.”
“Rob Wittman has spent his career standing by law enforcement and our First District communities. It is this history of partnership and accountability that makes me proud to endorse him for re-election this year. He is a man of great integrity and exactly what Virginia and our country needs moving forward,” Prince William County Sheriff Glen Hill said.
“It is with great pleasure and honor that I announce my endorsement of Rob Wittman for re-election as a member of Congress representing the First District of Virginia,” said Stafford County Sheriff David Decatur. “Throughout his time in Congress, Rob had made public safety and law enforcement a top priority. He is a dedicated public servant who has worked tirelessly to make the First District of Virginia a wonderful place to live and raise a family. I ask you to support the re-election of Congressman Rob Wittman, a proven Virginia leader, on Nov. 3rd.”
“I am extraordinarily honored and humbled to receive the support of some of the most dedicated public servants in Virginia,” Wittman said. “I take pride in having meaningful conversations with all community stakeholders and proposing bipartisan legislation that will better our communities, including increasing transparency, accountability, and performance to ensure our nation’s law enforcement officers are better prepared to protect and care for the communities they serve. Supporting the police force and law enforcement has always been a priority for me. I understand the need, especially in these changing and tense times, to keep our communities safe and I will continue to work to ensure that law enforcement has what it needs to do their job safely and effectively. The endorsements from our local sheriffs further reinforces that I am the best person to fight for our community needs in Washington.”
New Spanberger TV ad: ‘Rural Economy’
A new TV ad released this week by the campaign of Seventh District Democratic Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger highlights her work in Congress to strengthen the rural economy and protect the livelihoods of Central Virginians.
In “Rural Economy,” Spanberger emphasizes her efforts to expand broadband internet access and work with both parties to negotiate and pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to support Central Virginia small businesses and farms. Additionally, the 30-second spot highlights her advocacy for additional relief funding for farms and rural communities.
“For years, politicians have ignored rural communities and their vital contributions to our economy and our country. That’s why I pushed to be on the Agriculture Committee, worked with Republicans and Democrats to pass the President’s trade deal, and led the fight to protect critical broadband funding,” said Spanberger. “In the last two years, I’ve listened to Central Virginians give their feedback on the lack of reliable broadband internet access — and I’ve pushed for stronger investments to close the digital divide. Especially as the COVID-19 crisis continues, we need to provide our rural communities with the support and protection they need to weather this current moment of uncertainty and succeed long into the future.”