Item by Chris Graham
[email protected]
Barack Obama has a good head start on building a Virginia base. John McCain, though behind, is trying to get caught up.
The McCain campaign is holding events statewide tonight under the “McCain Nation” banner as part of an effort to get the ground war in Virginia going.
The campaign has scheduled 90 grassroots house-party events, the nearest one to us in Harrisonburg at the home of James Dye, 2444 Massanetta Springs Road, Harrisonburg, at 7:30 p.m. McCain Virginia co-chair Chris Saxman will be on hand for the event at the Dye residence.
The news comes on the heels of a report on the Washington Post Virginia Politics blog yesterday that the Obama campaign has opened five more Virginia campaign offices, bringing the total to 33. The Obama campaign has offices in Staunton and Harrisonburg with plans to possibly open an office in Waynesboro in the coming weeks.
All this activity makes sense in light of polling data from Rasmussen Reports released this afternoon that has Obama and McCain in a statistical dead heat in Virginia, with Obama holding a narrow one-point lead, by a 46 percent-to-45 percent margin.