It’s time to register for the Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association annual educational symposium on Saturday, March 3, 2018. The day of gardening lectures will include some great speakers and current topics about the home and garden.
Topics will include heirloom seed and growing hints from the Southern Seed Exchange, Solitary Pollinators, Farm to Table topics and Design and plant ideas from world garden tours along with growing and cooking with Chinese vegetables.
Speakers are Ira Wallace, Dr. Tim McCoy, Sandy Lerner, Dr. Robert McDuffie and Wendy Kiang-Spray.
The event will feature garden vendors and books available for purchase written by some of the speakers and other great gardening books for sale.
The day will start with registration between 7:45 and 8:30 a.m. Enjoy a continental breakfast of coffee and tea with pastries. Speakers will start by 9 a.m. During the breaks and throughout lunch and the remainder of day you will be able to visit our vendors that will have garden related items for sale as well as looking at all our books. The authors will be available after their lectures to sign their books.
More details on the Symposium and how to register is online at