Donald Trump wants to bring back public executions, firing squads, hangings, even the guillotine, if he’s elected president again in 2024.
Seriously, the guillotine?
Checks out, actually, this odd push for executions, coming from a guy who not-so-secretly cheered behind the scenes as his supporters tried to hang his vice president two years ago.
Little Dick Donnie – he loves nicknames; this one seems a logical fit for him – seems not only want people to die, but to do so for his amusement.
He would have fit in well at the beginning of the Roman Empire.
Somewhere between Caligula and Nero.
“The president believes this would help put the fear of god into violent criminals. He wanted to do some of these when he was in office, but for whatever reasons didn’t have the chance,” a source told Rolling Stone, which has the details on Trump’s latest public brain fog.
He “didn’t have the chance.” That’s an … odd … way to put what Trump thinks held him back from instituting public executions.
Or maybe not. Because this is the same Donald Trump guy, you may remember, who tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election, spearheading a scheme to pressure state legislators in swing states that he’d lost to change laws on the books to give their electoral votes to him anyway, and then when that didn’t work, he openly called on armed supporters to descend on Washington and talked them into trying to take over the U.S. Capitol.
Since that effort failed, he has spent the past two years claiming that the election had been stolen from him – he lost by more than 7 million votes; it wasn’t stolen from him, he got his ass kicked – and alternatively promised pardons for his shock troops and co-conspirators and threatened the careers and lives of those who didn’t go along with his coup attempt.
This is the guy who wants you to think he’s concerned about crime, and that public executions would put the fear of god into criminals.
This guy’s only issue with other criminals is wanting to make sure they don’t horn in on whatever his latest grift is.
Executions aren’t so much about public safety, as they are eliminating competition.
“In conversations I’d been in the room for, President Trump would explicitly say that he’d love a country that was totally an ‘eye for an eye’ — that’s a direct quote — criminal-justice system, and he’d talk about how the ‘right’ way to do it is to line up criminals and drug dealers before a firing squad. You just got to kill these people,” a former Trump White House official told Rolling Stone.
Trump, who has acted like a TV movie of the week mob boss dating back to his early years as a fail-upwards nepo baby fake real-estate tycoon, has thought this way since he took out the infamous full-page newspaper ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five back in 1989.
That the Central Park Five were later exonerated, and won a $41 million settlement from the City of New York for the wrongful prosecutions in the case, didn’t matter to Little Dick Donnie.
Asked about the case in 2019, Trump shrugged off the role he played into the public hysteria that led to the wrongful convictions.
“You have people on both sides of that,” the then-POTUS told reporters. “They admitted their guilt.”
Yes, old small-packaged one, they did; but only after being coerced by rogue cops.
Which is why New York shelled out the $41 million.
But that’s par for the course for (Former) President Both Sides, not knowing, or caring, about anything other than what he thinks he knows about whatever the topic is, which is of course almost nothing, unless the topic can be presented to him by a person holding up a picture.
Which makes you think somebody recently showed him a picture a scene from the French Revolution, because, again, seriously, the guillotine?