Gov. Tim Kaine is in on the green-collar revolution.
“In today’s economy, we can turn our energy challenges into an opportunity,” Kaine said Monday in announcing his Renew Virginia initiative, which will focus on the development of strategies to attract renewable-energy companies to the Commonwealth and bring their green jobs to Virginia with them.
“Our goal is to position the Commonwealth as a leader in alternative-energy generation, energy conservation, and research and development. By developing a green energy industry here, we will not only move towards a more environmentally responsible approach to addressing our growing energy needs, but we will also help stimulate Virginia’s economy,” Kaine said.
The job at the outset is getting together an interagency task force from state government and the higher-ed sector to work with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership on a plan for working to attract green industries to Virginia. Kaine said yesterday that he has asked the VEDP to assemble an aggressive marketing plan for promoting Virginia’s business case for new investments and employement generating projects in renewable-energy production and energy-efficiency projects.
For updates on Renew Virginia, please visit on the web.
– Story by Chris Graham