On July 19, Robin Hawks, Assistant Professor of Human Services at Blue Ridge Community College, will discuss the new certificate program, Aging in Place Specialist, in her presentation “BRCC Aging Program and Community Fair” to the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce Aging in Place Business Round Table.
“The school’s new program encourages students over the age of 50 to participate by training them for employment in an “encore career,” and making it possible for older adults to live successfully in their own homes. BRCC will also be hosting an aging in place community fair this fall. This fair will provide aging community members with information about available services. Roundtable members will have an opportunity to sign up to participate in the fair.”
The meeting will take place from 9:00 – 10:30am in The Highlands Building at the Sunnyside Retirement Community. Visitors are welcome.
The meeting will also feature a “member spotlight” presentation by Beth Bland of Valley Program for Aging Services.
About the Aging in Place Business Round Table from the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce: The Chamberʼs Aging-In-Place Business Roundtable provides educational and networking opportunities to consumers aged “50 and better” and the organizations that serve them. The group meets on the third Friday of each month from 9:00 to 10:30 am, and is open to visitors. For meeting topics and locations, visit www.harrisonburgseniors.org.
Contact Information
Jim Maust
Venture Builders, Inc.
Charles Hendricks
The Gaines Group, PLC