Advertisement for bids for the construction of the Hillsdale Road Extension Project was posted to the City of Charlottesville website on March 31.
The Hillsdale Drive Extension Project will provide a new three-lane roadway and bridge between Greenbrier Drive in Albemarle County to Hydraulic Road in the City of Charlottesville. On-road bike lanes will be maintained north of Greenbrier Drive. South of Greenbrier Drive, a shared use path will be constructed on the east side of the roadway, a sidewalk will be constructed on the west side and sharrows will be applied to the roadway to encourage bicyclists to position themselves safely in lanes while highlighting their presence. A traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Seminole Court and a roundabout will be built at the intersection of Zan Road. Landscaping and pedestrian lighting will be used to blend the project and its facilities into the surrounding area.
Bids are due May 16, 2016. Roadway construction is expected to begin on June 30. Construction is scheduled for completion October 30, 2017. Private utility relocation is currently underway.
A public meeting will be held prior to construction. This meeting will provide an opportunity of the public to learn more about the project and sign up for updates.
Project information can be found at