Dominion Virginia Power is prepared to respond to heavy snowfall and high winds forecast to move through its Virginia and North Carolina service area beginning Friday.
Additional crews are being sent to the areas expected to be most affected, trucks are stocked and fueled, and preparations are being made to activate the company’s three regional storm response centers and corporate emergency center to support outage restoration.
Customers can report and check the status of power outages using the company’s website at via computer, smartphone or other mobile device. Customers can also call 1-866-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357) to report outages or downed wires. Stay away from fallen wires and debris, and treat all fallen wires and anything touching them as though they are energized.
The company will update its interactive outage map at with information about the storm as it becomes available. A Twitter feed, Facebook page
Dominion urges its 2.5 million electric customers to pay attention to weather reports and to take these common-sense steps to prepare for possible outages and stay safe:
- Make sure you have a battery-operated radio, multiple flashlights, a battery-operated clock, and extra batteries.
- Turn off and unplug any non-essential electrical equipment in your home.
- Post a list of contents on your freezer door to minimize the number of times you open it.
- Make sure all prescription medications are filled.
- Have a full tank of gas in your car.
- If you have pets, please make sure you have provided for them as well.