Today the University of Virginia in a surprise announcement introduced its new men’s basketball coach. Not content to wait until the NCAA tournament concludes, Athletic Director Craig Littlepage told a startled press gathering that HE will be the new coach succeeding Dave Leitao, who he fired, or rather “asked to resign” last week. Mr. Littlepage defended his highly personal selection this way, “I played ball for the University of Pennsylvania, a school with higher SATs than UVa., was an assistant coach here during the good years, and I’m as tall as Dave. What else do you want from a basketball coach?”
Coach Littlepage went on to say that selecting himself will save the school considerable money in that his annual pay will only be $1.75 million, half what the University of Florida pays its man. Plus Littlepage will not fill his current AD post, saving the school and its backers some loose change. This will also stop the criticism of athletic directors. They should not be held accountable for selecting coaches.
However, before giving up his AD post, Mr Littlepage announced that football and basketball season-ticket holders will be asked to pay for a personal seat license in order to remain financially competitive with former rival Virginia Tech. Littlepage also announced that if after five years without a ACC title, he would recommend that UVa. move over to the Big South Conference and concentrate on making the NIT. Radford, Virginia’s new archrival, has already replaced Virginia Tech on UVa.’s 2010 basketball schedule.
Mr. Littlepage was not available to take questions.
– Column by David Reynolds